St. Anthony of Padua
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. . . . 11:00 am Sunday Mass . . . .
. . . . Live Video Streaming . . . .
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Website administrator:
newtimesvision T: (423) 727-5609
YouTube channel
. . . . 11:00 am Sunday Mass . . . .
. . . . Live Video Streaming . . . .
YouTube channel /
Website administrator:
newtimesvision T: (423) 727-5609
Sep 15, 2024
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus said: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.”
Mk 8:27-35
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus said: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.”
Mk 8:27-35
Welcome to/Bienvenidos a:
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
833 W. Main St.,
Mountain City, TN 37683
Parochial Administrator:
Father Jesus Guerrero
Joe Herman
Sunday 11am - English
1pm - Spanish
Daily Mass
Wednesday 8pm - Spanish
Thursday 7am - English
Father Jesus will hear confessions
between the Sunday Masses.
Also, on Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Communion Service
Tuesday 12:15pm
when Deacon Joe is available
Church: 423-727-5156
(leave message)
[email protected]
Church in Elizabethton:
Father Jesus Guerrero 423-543-3412
Emergency numbers:
Father Jesus Guerrero 423-543-3412
Deacon Joe Herman 423-534-1737
Our Mission Statement
As the Catholic family of St. Anthony of Padua, united in faith and nourished regularly by God’s Word and Sacrament, our mission is to give witness to God’s presence by acting justly, loving tenderly, and walking humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8.) We commit ourselves, through common prayer and worship, to mutual support, love and respect; to allocate 10% of our regular Sunday offering to “St. Anthony Bread” (our parish outreach ministry) and to maintain a county food pantry and be available and ready to assist all who find themselves victims of an emergency or an injustice.
“Act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God.”
Welcome to/Bienvenidos a:
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
833 W. Main St.,
Mountain City, TN 37683
Parochial Administrator:
Father Jesus Guerrero
Joe Herman
Sunday 11am - English
1pm - Spanish
Daily Mass
Wednesday 8pm - Spanish
Thursday 7am - English
Father Jesus will hear confessions
between the Sunday Masses.
Also, on Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Communion Service
Tuesday 12:15pm
when Deacon Joe is available
Church: 423-727-5156
(leave message)
[email protected]
Church in Elizabethton:
Father Jesus Guerrero 423-543-3412
Emergency numbers:
Father Jesus Guerrero 423-543-3412
Deacon Joe Herman 423-534-1737
Our Mission Statement
As the Catholic family of St. Anthony of Padua, united in faith and nourished regularly by God’s Word and Sacrament, our mission is to give witness to God’s presence by acting justly, loving tenderly, and walking humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8.) We commit ourselves, through common prayer and worship, to mutual support, love and respect; to allocate 10% of our regular Sunday offering to “St. Anthony Bread” (our parish outreach ministry) and to maintain a county food pantry and be available and ready to assist all who find themselves victims of an emergency or an injustice.
“Act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God.”
July 26, 2024
Most Reverend Mark Beckman was ordained as the fourth bishop for the Diocese of Knoxville on Friday July 26, 2024.
July 26, 2024
Most Reverend Mark Beckman was ordained as the fourth bishop for the Diocese of Knoxville on Friday July 26, 2024.
He was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Nashville on July 13, 1990 by Bishop James D. Niedergeses at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Nashville. The assignments after ordination include Associate Pastor, Holy Rosary Parish, Nashville, TN (1990-1991), Part-time Teacher, Father Ryan High School, Nashville, TN (1990-1996), Associate Principal for Pastoral Affairs, Father Ryan High School, Nashville, TN (1991-1996), Pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Springfield, TN and St. Michael Mission, Cedar Hill, TN (1996-2002), Pastor, St. Matthew Parish, Franklin, TN (2002-2015). Since 2015, Bishop Beckman served as Pastor of St. Henry Parish in Nashville, TN (2015-2024).
With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church joyfully celebrates the Ordination to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday 8 June, 2024 of Father Daniel Joseph Herman through the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the imposition of hands by His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND SHELTON J. FABRE Archbishop of Louisville, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Knoxville
With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church joyfully celebrates the Ordination to the Holy Priesthood on Saturday 8 June, 2024 of Father Daniel Joseph Herman through the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the imposition of hands by His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND SHELTON J. FABRE Archbishop of Louisville, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Knoxville
Fr. Daniel Herman celebrated his First Holy Mass on Sunday 9 June 2024
at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
If you live in the area and come regularly to St. Anthony Church, we would love to count you among our parish family.
Registration forms are on the bulletin board. Take home, complete, and return next Sunday.
Thank you and welcome!!
Gracias y bienvenidos!!
We welcome new members to our church as we join in a prayerful journey of faith together. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) begins in the fall, leading to entry in the church at Easter. Please contact Fr. Jesus Guerrero after Mass or call 543-3412 St. Elizabeth’s, Elizabethton
Receiving Holy Communion is the celebration of unity in faith with the conviction that the “bread” is truly the body and blood of Christ. It is appropriate that only those who are actively practicing Catholics should receive.
Diocesan norms specify four months of preparation including an Engaged Encounter. Contact pastor before you set a date.
Registration is now open for CCD classes. Forms will be available on the Gift Shop display case, or you can see Bridgette or Maria after Mass and they will get you one. Please fill out the form and return it as soon as possible. Classes will begin on Sunday, 9/15. Registration will close after Sunday, 9/29. All children will be welcome to attend classes even if they haven't registered by the deadline but would have to wait until the next school year if they are scheduled to receive a Sacrament.
If you have any questions, feel free to call/text Bridgette Berger at
(414) 350-2299 (call / text)
Please follow our Facebook page, St. Anthony of Padua Religious Education Program, for updates:
Facebook web Page is being re-established: Find info in this Bulletin!
All church volunteers in any capacity must become certified by completing the online Safe Haven curriculum at:
Thank you for your willingness to volunteer for our parish ministries.
Ushers are need on a regular schedule for Masses.
Contact Ron at 702-210-4451 or email at [email protected]
If you live in the area and come regularly to St. Anthony Church, we would love to count you among our parish family.
Registration forms are on the bulletin board. Take home, complete, and return next Sunday.
Thank you and welcome!!
Gracias y bienvenidos!!
We welcome new members to our church as we join in a prayerful journey of faith together. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) begins in the fall, leading to entry in the church at Easter. Please contact Fr. Jesus Guerrero after Mass or call 543-3412 St. Elizabeth’s, Elizabethton
Receiving Holy Communion is the celebration of unity in faith with the conviction that the “bread” is truly the body and blood of Christ. It is appropriate that only those who are actively practicing Catholics should receive.
Diocesan norms specify four months of preparation including an Engaged Encounter. Contact pastor before you set a date.
Registration is now open for CCD classes. Forms will be available on the Gift Shop display case, or you can see Bridgette or Maria after Mass and they will get you one. Please fill out the form and return it as soon as possible. Classes will begin on Sunday, 9/15. Registration will close after Sunday, 9/29. All children will be welcome to attend classes even if they haven't registered by the deadline but would have to wait until the next school year if they are scheduled to receive a Sacrament.
If you have any questions, feel free to call/text Bridgette Berger at
(414) 350-2299 (call / text)
Please follow our Facebook page, St. Anthony of Padua Religious Education Program, for updates:
Facebook web Page is being re-established: Find info in this Bulletin!
All church volunteers in any capacity must become certified by completing the online Safe Haven curriculum at:
Thank you for your willingness to volunteer for our parish ministries.
Ushers are need on a regular schedule for Masses.
Contact Ron at 702-210-4451 or email at [email protected]
Joe Herman was ordained Permanent Deacon on June 11th 2022 by Bishop Richard Stika at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in Knoxville, TN He will serve as Deacon at St. Anthony of Padua in Mountain City, TN We are so honored that he is going to be our church leader along with Fr. Jesus Congratulations to Joe, his family and St. Anthony's community.
Joe Herman was ordained Permanent Deacon on June 11th 2022 by Bishop Richard Stika at the Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in Knoxville, TN He will serve as Deacon at St. Anthony of Padua in Mountain City, TN We are so honored that he is going to be our church leader along with Fr. Jesus Congratulations to Joe, his family and St. Anthony's community.
- Holy Hour
- Holy Water Font
- Holy Rosary
Richard Thum
New choir members welcome.
Women's Group will be having their monthly meeting first Sunday of each month, after mass.
Next meeting to be October 13th. In the multi-purpose room.
All ladies are welcome. Please come join us for fun and friendship.
Please contact:
Maria Connell (407) 709-1825
We are looking for any Catholic Gentleman 18 years of age and older to join us to help us shape the future of our round table.
Our next meeting will be on October 8 at 6pm.
The Knights of Columbus will be collecting “Books for Vets” after Mass every Sunday.
Please donate all used books to our local vets and give all books to Ron Carbone after Mass.
Contact Round Table Coordinator
Ron Carbone
at 702-210-4451
or email
[email protected]
We have an emergency food pantry to help the less fortunate in Johnson County.
We are open twice a month:
• The 1st Thursday every month
9:30am - 2pm
with Cross Roads Methodist Medical Mission on location.
• Also, the 3rd Thursday
9:30am - 2pm
Food donations are always welcomed. Bring Sundays
SAB during August, provided food to 412 Johnson County households with a total of 904 individuals. Besides all the complimentary USDA and donated items given to reduce food insecurity, SAB purchased other food items to distribute in the amount of $3,929.01
We have wonderful volunteers but would love more! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer contact:
Richard Thum
(561) 271-6432
All volunteers are required to complete an Online Safe Environment Training and a criminal background check.
SAB has a new phone number for emergency food calls. We prefer that the calls be made during normal daily work hours to handle the emergency food request.
Emergency Phone Number:
(423) 220-6438
Emergency Assistance Program assisted 5 families in crisis: spending $551.83 to meet their basic needs (electric, water, lodging).
Total SAB Neighbor Assistance expenditures during June was $4,480.84
We thank all donors and volunteers that have the capacity and desire to serve God by giving their resources and time to SAB ministries.
FOR SERIOUS/EMERGENCY PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Contact Richard Thum so he can e-mail the parish to make us aware of any important announcements. He will use the Parish Directory for contacts. If you are a new member, give Richard your name and e-mail, (561) 271-6432.
In the case of someone’s illness, injury, death, special need, or any emergency, please call me at the St. Elizabeth’s phone number:
(423) 543-3412
with a name and phone number for contact so that I can follow up (even if you hear through the grapevine.)
Contact Deacon Joe Herman (423) 534-1737
Please call Tony (423) 727-4377 or email him [email protected] or Henry (423) 440-4913 or email [email protected] to join our team or if you know of someone sick or would like a visit and receive communion.
Advertisements or announcements must be submitted by 4pm Thursdays.
Contact: Karen at (423) 707-5058 Email
[email protected]
Go on-line to view or hear the daily readings.
Please visit
Giving is a blessing that changes lives for the better!
On-Line Contributions at
- Please pray for people of the parish who need our prayers:
- Yard Sale / Christmas craft and bake sale 2024
Location will be at St Anthony’s Church.
Calling on all crafters and bakers for donated Fall and Christmas crafts and baked goodies. Any and all other crafts also greatly welcomed.
Donated gently used home items for yard sale appreciated; announcement for storage of these items forthcoming.
St Anthony's Women's Group WILL NOT be participating at the Christmas Fair at the high school this year.
If anyone would like to make any donations for our annual yard/craft sale October 5th, please see Maria Connell.
- Gift Shop
- Coffee fellowship
Sign-up sheet will be in the kitchen.
Contact: Lorraine Darocha at 423 727-1242
- Attention:
- Attention:
- Notice: Per the Diocese rules
- Emergency Assistance Program:
Our parish outreach ministry added a new program in January 2021 to help those in our community who are experiencing financial struggles. We received a grant from St. Mary’s Legacy Foundation that allowed us to establish the Emergency Assistance Program (EAP) which helps with utility bills. This program has filled a gap in our community for people who need a one-time assist with their utility bills. The need for this program goes beyond the money that is provided by the grant. The need for this type of program in Johnson County is great and we hope it continues with the assistance from private donors. As members of St. Anthony of Padua parish, we are all contributors to all the programs that SAB offers. Thank you for your continued support – St. Anthony’s is making a difference in Johnson County.
Referral to the EAP is generally handled through Neighborhood Service Center at (423) 246-6180.
- Parishioners
- Holy Days of Obligation
- All Sundays
- Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
- Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
- Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Solemnity of All Saints
- The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- The Birth of Our Lord, Christmas
Everyone is encouraged to check our website for events or parish information. Official church website:
Happy PeopleYou have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need.
Vernon Linwood Howard |
website administrator: