Blessed Michael J. McGivney
The Father of the Knights of Columbus
Father McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus was beatified on Saturday, October 31, 2020 through a special Mass at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus. He will be known as Blessed Michael McGivney.
As pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, this dedicated parish priest gathered men together in the basement of his Church to help save widows and children from destitution and defend the Catholic faith. Today these men we call Knights are over two million strong and are dedicated to serving Jesus Christ and their communities at home and around the world.
Father McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus was beatified on Saturday, October 31, 2020 through a special Mass at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus. He will be known as Blessed Michael McGivney.
As pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, this dedicated parish priest gathered men together in the basement of his Church to help save widows and children from destitution and defend the Catholic faith. Today these men we call Knights are over two million strong and are dedicated to serving Jesus Christ and their communities at home and around the world.
Knights of Columbus
All the good works we do are informed by our four core principles:
Charity – Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting infinite variety of local, national and international projects.
Unity – None of us is as good as all of us; we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually.
Fraternity – Blessed Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to give assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died. The Order’s top-rated insurance program continues to do this today, as do the good works of individual Knights, who gave more than 73.5 million service hours in 2015, illustrating how Catholics serve each other in fraternity and mercy.
Patriotism –We are proud of our devotion to God and country, and believe in standing up for both. Whether it’s in public or private, the Knights remind the world that Catholics support their nations and are amongst the greatest citizens.
Local councils are the basic unit of the Knights. Each local council works to assist with the needs of its community consistent with the principles of the Order. A Knights of Columbus council can work wonders; in fact, with its many programs, it can help change the community, town, city or neighborhood in which you live. Each local council evaluates the needs of their community and implements those programs and activities that are most needed in their area.
If you’d like to be a part of an international organization of nearly 2 million Catholic men whose principal work involves helping others in need, we'd like to meet you and invite you to join us. For further information, visit
We meet at the church on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM.
All men over 18 are invited to attend.
Knights of Columbus Council of the Mountains 17160
We are Catholic men building a bridge back to faith. There is much good and necessary work to be done in the world, and that's what Knights do every day.
Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal Organization dedicated to promoting and conducting Educational, Charitable, Religious, and Social Welfare Works, rendering mutual aid and assistance to sick and needy members and their families, and providing insurance products and annuities to benefit members, wives, and children.
Here is some of the things we have done at St Anthony of Padua.
·Volunteering at the SAB food pantry
·Upkeep of the church grounds
·Funding for wheelchairs within Johnson County
·Silver Angels Christmas Tree — provide gifts to all residents of the Mountain City Rehab Center
·Pregnancy Support Center — provide baby items
·Provide rosaries and prayer cards to First Communicants and Confirmation candidates
·Lenten Activity — Forty Days-Forty cans collecting for the SAB food pantry
·Attendance of Knights' funerals and having masses said for the departed Knights Daily prayers, rosary, novenas, silent adoration
·Delivering holy communion to homebound parishioners
·Volunteer as mass servers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, and choir members
·Help parishioner move to new residence
·Monetary donations to:
Christian Refugee Relief
Disaster Preparedness
Helping Hands
Pregnancy Support Center
Knights come from every stage of life, in countless corners of the world.
Join us as we celebrate real role models in a world that needs men who lead, serve, protect, and defend.
Monthly meeting
![]() Miracle attributed to Fr. McGivney